The last training school tailored for the MWP4SPACE fellows took place in Pisa, Italy (September 9th to 13th). The Doctorate Candidates had the chance to meet expectations through lectures given by Air & Space Company speakers who shared their experience and background in integrated photonics.
This 3th Training School completes the MWP4SPACE courses during the second year of the program. Now, the DC’s may focus entirely on the development of their R&D work packages. The intense program hosted by CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni) and SSSA (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) introduced the program to different organizations who also shared back their perspective in photonics for space: The Italian Space Agency, Camgraphics, Aerospazio Tecnologie, Antwerp Space or Airbus Germany interacted with MWP4SPACE fellows.

The integration of academic and industry perspectives allows the researches to understand and apply best practices on their field of expertise. The core ideas and objectives of this Marie Curie Action (MSCA) was strength with the presence of the Project Officer who met the partners of the consortium and the fellows. Apart from reviewing the status of the project and give some recommendations, the Project Officer held private meetings with fellows and a conference with the consortium partners. He also met with the Project Coordinator in order to better achieve the program objectives and improve relations.

The humanistic standards of European diversity was held by the Training School host Paolo Ghelfi taking all participants to a magnificent Italian Cuisine experience at “La Pergoletta”, where all the people involved in the program had the chance to enjoy their time in Pisa.